Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Agadir Highlights

Somehow, we had spent all this time in Agadir without really exploring the beach with Younis so yesterday was beach time. It was a windy day and there were a lot of surfers out. It's an expansive beautiful beach.

We're staying in a hotel more in the central part of the town now. Every night, they have some sort of entertainment. One night we saw acrobats break the hotel chandelier, woops. Then another night was a traditional middle eastern dancer spinning around with drums and a skirt that had lights attached to it.

We have met some travelers at the hotel and spent some time with a nice Irish family that has two kids, one exactly Younis' age. I love the little differences in language. In Irish, diapers are nappies and babysitters are child minders and I was asked if we want to have another go at it meaning another kid. Love it. Younis also met another cute little girl last night that he danced the night away with. They even gave eachother a big hug and smooch so full of passion they both tumbled to the ground.

Check out the sign below. It's our beloved choo choo train. I love finding these interesting translations.


  1. He looks so happy at the beach! I love that video of him dancing I watched it 3 times, the boy's got rhythm!

  2. Just love the pictures - particularly the one with Younis on the beach, with his huge smile! And I can't help wondering what was your answer to the question on "having another go" (you don't have to answer that!) :-)
