Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Aire de Repos

We left yesterday on a vacation to Marrakech and Agadir. It is absolutely beautiful, sunny and warm. Could not ask for more perfect weather. Today we reached Agadir which altogether is about an 8 hour drive from Rabat. We split up the trip and spent a night in Marrakech yesterday and will spend a few days there on our way back.

I'll post some pictures and words about our adventure in Agadir coming up, but wanted to write a quick note about the amazing rest stops in Morocco. The "autoroute" or freeway is a tolled road. The freeway doesn't go all the way across the country, it ends a little past Marrakech. So yesterday we spent a good few hours on the freeway. I wasn't sure how the ride would go for Younis. Sometimes he loves car rides and sometimes it's hellish trying to figure out how to entertain him long enough to get to our final destination without pulling our hair out. Now the great thing here is that there are these amazing "aire de repos" or rest stops complete with delicious restaurants, great playgrounds, gas stations, minimarts and clean bathrooms. I was seriously impressed and we stopped at a few spots where Younis could run around for a while and we could take a break and I have to say it was a really surprisingly smooth ride. It was actually fun and we may be visiting the nearest aire de repos once we return to Rabat because those playgrounds are pretty amazing compared to the others I've seen.

I'm looking forward to exploring Agadir more tomorrow. Lots of tourists here, a big surfing community and other things to explore. Younis being a big fan of the ocean, one of his new words, will have a blast I'm sure and will keep us on our toes.

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