Saturday, March 13, 2010

More Beach Bliss

Ok, this might become my title for every post the next 2 months. The beach is so beautiful and as promised in the forecast, is beautiful!! Some friends came over with their almost 3 year old son to play in the sand and ocean. Younis and his buddy had a blast throwing rocks, kicking the ball around and running away from the waves. For lunch, we ate delicious fresh from the ocean sole. So good.

Since it's the weekend, more people are at the beach than during the week, especially since it's sunny, but it's still pretty quiet. During the summer, it gets totally packed so it's nice to be here when it's getting warm, but not as crazy as it could be. I wanted to share some of the fun activities we've been watching from the sidelines. I love watching these kids who are literally right in front of our house where I guess the perfect jumping rocks are located. Just hope they don't give Younis any ideas.....

1 comment:

  1. My daughter was also very strong-willed. She would fight her sleep to the point of going to sleep while she was eating dinner and end up biting herself (leaving teethmarks on her hand) instead of her food. What worked the best for me was to tell her I was tired and was going to lay down and take a nap, I always put a load of laundry on to make background noise before I did this, of course she wanted to lay down next to me and would fall asleep within 5 minutes.

    Do you have any idea what kind of bug bit you to cause swelling that way? I am wondering if you got some ocean water on your eye, there are germs living in water that can be contagious (happens here at our local lake).
