Thursday, March 11, 2010

Beach Bliss

On Sunday, we moved for our last two months in Morocco to a beach house in Skhirate, just a little south of Rabat. The house is not anything spectacular, but it is literally right on the beach with a big terrace and amazing view. Plus the house is bigger than our one bedroom apartment so Younis has ample space to run around and he has his own room. Of course with a 2 year old, adjusting to sleeping in his own room and own bed is not a simple feat, but we're getting there and I'm proud to say he slept alone all night in his big boy bed (no more crib) last night!!! May not happen again, but at least it happened once, hooray.

The fishermen go out to sea early morning. We saw them heading out about 6:30 am. It has been pouring down rain most of the morning, here we see the fishermen coming back with their load. The ocean is pretty agitated today, but I love the sound of the waves, it's like a natural white noise machine for Younis. Yesterday we went for a long walk on the beach. That boy loves water and sand. We had to hold him back from running into the ocean, still not quite swimming weather but the forecast says 70's next week!

Laundry has been the challenge of Morocco for me. Now, we don't have any machine, washer or dryer, so it's wash by hand. Not so fun with a 2 year old who like all kids spills every other bite or drink. But, Younis is a good helper, he could not stand to see his baba washing his clothes all by his lonesome. And here they are hanging out to dry. I won't lament on the fact that since the sunny day yesterday, it has been pouring rain and those clothes are still in their same spot on the line outside.... oh well, as I already said, sunny weather predictions around the corner (fingers crossed).

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