Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Beach Happenings

Yesterday, we hosted a weekly music group called Rabat Tunes that Younis and I have enjoyed so much during our time in Morocco. We will miss Rabat Tunes! Younis loves to sing and I've seen it develop more and more each week with Rabat Tunes. Now that we're at the beach, we're a little out of the city but finally have a big enough space to host. The weather yesterday was beautiful. The kids of course did not have much patience for singing and we had to hold them back from running down to the beach. We did an abbreviated Rabat Tunes and headed for the sand and waves.

I continue to be amazed at Younis' pure love for water. He is a true Aquarius, no doubt. He has no fear and every morning wakes up ready to head for the ocean. Yesterday, he kept busy trying to emulate an older friend splashing in the waves. Younis fell down a couple times and got his face wet which at first bothered him a little, but when I asked him if he wanted to go home he yelled wa wa and ran straight back to the ocean. It's also amazing how he has no fear but at the same time sets good limits and seems to know when to stop (don't worry, we're always just a couple steps away).

Here are some shots of Younis' water adventures (thanks again Livy for the amazing photos!)

Not exactly sure what Younis is doing here, but he held this pose for a while and some natural yoga moves.

Imad went out of town for a couple days with a friend. His sister and her daughter are keeping Younis and I company and staying with us, but today Younis and I spent the day alone at the house while they went to work and school respectively. The weather was gorgeous when we woke up so by 8 we were on the beach running in the ocean. I couldn't believe how beautiful it was, really warm and perfect. We played for a couple hours then headed back to the house. By 12, clouds were starting to roll in and we were getting ready for nap time. I ended up snoozing too but was awoken about an hour or so later by the loudest thunder and downpour. It rained and rained.

How to entertain a 2 year old when it's pouring rain and you're stuck at home. Not an easy task. Every activity we did lasted about 5 minutes with a few exceptions. We ran around the house, danced, played hide and seek, drew pictures, threw blocks into bowls, talked on skype with Auntie Shawn and Mamou and Papou. Younis asked several times for water, not to drink but to play in, but it was a no go with the weather situation. Luckily, our guests came home by about 5:30, perfect timing! Younis got to play with his cousin and let out all that energy and I got to have some good company and a little relaxation time.

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